I was reading somewhere that tech items are on top of most wish lists this Holiday season. Can't say I am much surprised seeing how gadgets and tech toys are predominant in today's society. Children (okay, and grownups too!) get tremendously tempted by all the cool stuff we see displayed on store shelves, tv adds, and magazines. So, you will probably understand why I am so excited to bring you THE giveaway of the season!
We all know milk does the body good. In our household, milk also does the fridge good! Between mommy who drinks 1% milk, daddy who drinks 1% lactose-free milk and son who drinks 3.25% milk, the white drink seems to be an overly dominant figure in the refrigerator. But now knowing that there is a milk out there that requires no refrigeration, just chill when ready to drink, makes me a very happy parent! Thanks to Milk Unleashed, you and your little ones can enjoy wholesome goodness, anytime, anywhere.
Christmas is looming. Everyone is getting excited. We are now less than 30 days away and as we enter December, the official countdown will then begin. There is no better way to count the days leading to Christmas than with an advent calendar. In our family, it represents a true Holidays tradition. Believe it or not, but my mom still buys me a calendar every year! A week or so ago, I was visiting my friend and, much to my surprise, she had made her own calendar! And it was super fantastic too! I thought the idea was so original, I had to borrow it off of her to share it with you guys!
$250 Cash For Christmas Giveaway - USA, Canada, UK & Australia
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Another great cash giveaway event coming your way! Free money is always welcomed, wouldn't you say!? Especially with the holidays luring and with all the expenses that tag along!
$250 Cash For Christmas Giveaway - USA, Canada, UK & Australia » Permalink 3 Fabulous Comments
$250 Cash For Christmas Giveaway - USA, Canada, UK & Australia » Permalink 3 Fabulous Comments
Throughout our journey as bloggers, we come across several milestones. While some of these milestones are easily achieved, most if not all remain truly special and unique. And then there are the ones who are just simply and inevitably worth the celebration. These celebrations are a way to thank every single individual who took part in our fantastic success and accomplishment. And besides, any opportunity is good enough to par-tay, right!? And you know what they say, the more the merrier! So we would like to invite you all to join us in celebrating a very, very special event for S.O.S. Mom.
Are you getting excited for Christmas? All these giveaways are sure to get you somewhat hyped up, right!? Now this event is for all the boys out there! Whether you have a son, nephew, godson, or have a friend with little boy, you might want to check out this giveaway. The cool thing about this event is that it will award two winners!
Attention all video games lovers! This is a giveaway that will take you straight to heaven! Not only will one super lucky person win the Wii U console, but a gift card to Game Stop as well, where he or she will be able to spoil themselves with all their favourite Wii U games! An incredible bundle gift pack you don't want miss the chance of winning!
Wordless Wednesday
These Boots Are Meant For... Reading!?
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Wordless Wednesdays
Holidays Snowflakes
Arts & Crafts Activity
Monday, November 19, 2012
Arts and Crafts,
When it comes to arts and crafts, I like to challenge myself with ideas that are different and yet somewhat complicated. But sometimes I also enjoy the simpleness. Being able to throw together a neat creation in no time is so rewarding and fun! These Holidays snowflakes are the perfect example of an easy yet super charming craft. They will bring some holiday magic into your home anytime of day and will turn your ambiance into a real winter wonderland!
"Let it stroll! Let it stroll! Let it stroll!" Giveaway - USA & Canada
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Giveaways are truly in high gear these days! Understandable, the holidays are right around the corner and after all, it is the season of giving! And I love giving! I have been anticipating this giveaway event for a while now and I am really hyped that it's finally here. Time to spoil you and knock your socks off with an amazing prize!
"Let it stroll! Let it stroll! Let it stroll!" Giveaway - USA & Canada » Permalink 18 Fabulous Comments
"Let it stroll! Let it stroll! Let it stroll!" Giveaway - USA & Canada » Permalink 18 Fabulous Comments
Thinking back on this past weekend, I have lots to smile about! We always strive to make the most out of weekends and create some memorable family quality time. Last weekend was certainly no exception! There were two particular things I was really looking forward to. Firstly, the Santa Claus parade was coming to town. I personally hadn't gone to the parade in ages but for my son it was his very first time attending a parade. Love my son's firsts! Second thing was about trying out my brand spanking new Baby Cargo stroller! Not only was Santa hitting the town, but so was the stroller! To tell you the truth, I don't know who was more ecstatic about the stroller ride, son or mom!
Christmas Lantern
Arts & Crafts Activity
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Arts and Crafts,
This holiday season, I am so house proud! We have such wonderful Christmas items, some handmade, some bought, that we are displaying proudly throughout our home. I am the type who has a particular love for vintage Christmas decorations. Most holidays accents are quite cute but I have a soft spot for the non-commercial, deeply traditional ornaments. To me, they hold the true beauty and essence of Christmas and everything we know of it.
Are you or someone you know a huge tech fan? Like I mean gaga over anything that combines the gadget aspect with the electronics feature? I must say then that you are in luck my friend! We have the giveaway that will make that tech junkie the happiest camper for the holiday season.
$1,000 Mad Dash For Christmas Cash Giveaway - Worldwide
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I bet you anything your little one has begged you to purchase one of these in the past. Or perhaps he has put it down on his Christmas wish list. I know, they don't come cheap! Wouldn't life be fantastically peachy if you got to win one for your little monster! Well welcome to the Power Wheels Ford F-150 Giveaway, hosted by Giveaway Promote and sponsored by BlueSpringsFordParts.com and AccurateAutoAdvice.com!
"A Very Merry Snuza Christmas"
Giveaway - USA & Canada
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Whether you're a first-time parent or welcoming your third one, the safety and well-being of your little ones is always a priority on your parenthood list. Truth be told, we rely on any kind of product or item to help us through the journey and make our job a little easier. And perhaps a giveaway could give you a hand with your baby needs. S.O.S. Mom along with the very generous sponsor Snuza are spoiling two families with a mobile baby movement monitor... to make those nights a little easier on you!
Step2 Deluxe Art Master Desk
Giveaway - Worldwide
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Another great item giveaway coming your way! And right in time for Christmas! Here is a prize any parent would love to get their hands on! It will be a great gift to put under the tree for our little kiddo! I can foresee hours of fun ahead!
Every now and then I run out of inspiration. Menu inspiration that is. We have our favourites here at home which we do on a somewhat regular basis. We also venture down the new recipes road on a daily basis as well. And then there are times where laziness gets in the way. Can you really blame me? With all the other chores that pile up daily!? Uncomplicated, easy to make and still delicious dish ideas often come to the rescue! Thus the reason I love this rice recipe so dearly. This pilaf will dress up nicely any kind of main dish you serve it with. It is simple, easy and extremely tasty. Serves 8.
Blogger Event
"Let It Stroll! Let It Stroll! Let It Stroll!" Giveaway
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Blogger Events
Aren't the holidays all about giving? And perhaps even spoiling? Well this giveaway is all about spoiling alright! And with a stellar prize like the one up for grabs, it's an event not to be missed!
Blogger Event
"Let It Stroll! Let It Stroll! Let It Stroll!" Giveaway » Permalink 17 Fabulous Comments
"Let It Stroll! Let It Stroll! Let It Stroll!" Giveaway » Permalink 17 Fabulous Comments
Christmas Magnets
Arts & Crafts Activity
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Arts and Crafts,

"Gear Up Your Tots with Dynowear"
Giveaway - USA & Canada
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Winter is poking its nose out of hiding. Weather is getting nippier. Warm clothes are slowly resurrecting from the back of our closets. With winter on its way, we all know how our little ones will be hitting the outdoors to practice their most favoured activities. One of them being, unsurprisingly, skating. When your kiddos throw on their skates and head off to the skating rink or grab the sleigh to venture the slopes, how confident do you feel about your their safety? Do you ever feel a tad uneasy about a possible injury? How about gear... do your children have all the necessary gear for when they will be hitting the ice this season?
"Let's Get TRUNKI For The Holidays"
Giveaway - USA & Canada
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Aaah, the holidays! Can you believe it's almost that time of year again?! The Christmas rush is heading straight our way and we are about to embark into the holiday spirit yet again! Let's admit it, we are all looking forward to the joy and enchantment that the holidays bring along with them. A magic in the air settles in. It really is the most wonderful time of the year! And then there's the spending. Knowing how greatly our budget will suffer makes the holidays not-so merry and bright after all. But with a giveaway like the one right here, it will certainly make things much more jolly!
I was graciously invited to be the More than Mommies Mixer's first ever Life of the Party! Me, who never wins anything, got invited to be co-host for their very first edition of this extremely cool blog hop. Honoured to say the least! So now, let's show them how we party at S.O.S. Mom!
The holiday season is almost upon us. Time to be jolly, time to be merry. Oh! And time to be give generously! Hence here is the perfect giveaway event to do just that!
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