Friday, March 30, 2012

Let's Meet Margot Finke, Children's Book Writer

I had the exceptional chance of crossing paths with an admirable person called Margot Finke. One of those happy accidents! What struck me the most about her, is her astonishing accomplishments as a person, and most of all, as a children's book writer. Not only dis she write numerous books for children of all ages, but she also offers her services as a manuscript critique, in addition to virtual school visits. Enough said, I will let you discover Margot and her work through this interview I have conducted with her. 

Me: Margot, in order to introduce yourself, could you share with us what has incited you to become a children's books author?
Margot: I am an Aussie transplant who has lived in Oregon for many years with my husband and kids – Kids now grown by the way, and between them they have presented us with 4 delightful grandkids – YEA!! I have written stories for years, but becoming a Teacher’s Aide when my kids were young was the catalyst. I told the classes stories about Australia and its weird and wonderful animals. Those stories eventually became “Wild and Wonderful,” my 7 book rhyming e-series about animals from the US and Australia.

Me: You are originally from Australia... what made you decide to establish yourself in America, more precisely Oregon?
Margot: I met and married an American from New York. We lived in Queensland for 7 years, had two kids, and then decided to go back to the US and live in Oregon, a place my husband loved. He went to college in Oregon, hated New York, and always planned on settling somewhere in Oregon.

Me: You have a Manuscript Critique Service, please explain what this service consists of exactly and who can benefit from it.
Margot: If you are a beginning writer, a critique group of your peers is what you need. Their comments, suggestions and support will be invaluable. After you gain some writing insights, and feel close to being published, a professional Manuscript Critique like I offer, can help you write tighter, sharpen your focus, and explain how to give your MS that final polish. The comments, suggestions and examples I offer are there to guide your rewrite. This is your baby. It needs to be written in YOUR voice. The following links take you to my Manuscript Critique Service page + a VIDEO of me chatting about critiquing:

VIDEO: Introducing my Manuscript Critique Service

As well as critiques, my website offers my BOOKS + lots of other pages with help for writers.

Me: What a great idea to offer Virtual School Visits! Could you give us more details on this?
Margot: This is something I am passionate about. Many schools are out of author range. Skype allows authors to go anywhere there’s a reciprocal Skype and a webcam. It is cheaper, and lets children chat with the author, ask questions, and enjoy hearing one of the author’s books read to them. If the teacher would like some extras, like a short writing lesson, or a longer talk about what it takes to write a book, get it published, and then promote it, I am open to her suggestions. I want the teacher to get from me what her class needs. Negotiation is the name of the game!

Go here to read more about my Virtual School Visits:
Plus a VIDEO of me chatting about Virtual School visits:

Me: How many books have you published so far, and where do you find your inspiration?
Margot: I have 11x books published in all, with more coming soon. My latest 4 books are all through Guardian Angel Publishing. These 3x picture books are in rhyme – for 5 to 9 year olds.

  • Horatio Humble Beats the Big D was written to help kids with dyslexia and their parents. It includes a helpful parent/teacher guide. One of our kids had mild dyslexia, so I know the problems.
  • Ruthie and the Hippo’s Fat Behind is about how sudden changes affect kids – a divorce, a death, or even a move far from friends and family. It also has a parent/teacher guide with helpful links.
  • Rattlesnake Jam is just pure boy-type fun – yuck included!
  • Taconi and Claude – Double Trouble is a young teen adventure set in the Aussie outback of 1950. A chatty cockatoo offers funny one liners, and his dad, Dreamtime, and a magic feather all give Taconi big decisions to make. Please note there is a sequel coming later this year titled, Survival by Walkabout. Here is a video reading from Taconi and Claude:

Me: Your books are offered in which formats?
Margot: Taconi and Claude - soft cover, Kindle and e-book. Rattlesnake Jam – Nook, e-book and soft cover. Ruthie - soft cover and e-book (so far). Horatio Humble – soft cover and e-book (so far).

Autographed soft cover copies of ALL 4x books from my website:

Me: The book "Horatio Humble beats the big D" is a book about dislexia. How did you come about the idea and the resources to create such a book?
Margot: As a teacher’s aide, I noticed so many kids with reading problems. Then my daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia in a mild form. This gave me the impetus to write a book that would be fun for all to read, yet offer hope and help to kids who had dyslexia, and their parents.

Me: Do you collaborate with other authors to write joint books?
Margot: I have ghost written books for clients, but never written in tandem with another author. It might be fun to try that some time.

Me: Thank you again Margot! I am convinced the readers have enjoyed getting to know you and the wonderful work you do!  
Margot: Thank you for this opportunity to share my books with your wonderful readers.

*For more details on Margot's books, work or just Margot herself, please go visit her website at 


  1. What a very informative interview! I enjoyed learning more about Margot Finkle, the wonderful collection of books, and the service provided. As a mother, I'm always looking for good books to read to my children. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you, Robbin. I try to write fun books that HOOK kids on reading. Thanks for taking the time to write a comment. Many of them are educational as well.

    BOOKS for Kids - Manuscript Critiques
